Wednesday, April 17, 2013


WINDS OF CHANGE: changing the world we live in begins with you. To be effective requires being aware of your environment and staying informed about political, social, financial, and religious issues that impact our lives. This is the point where change begins.

Johann Wagener 4-17-13

Catholic Traditionalists and Prosperity Gospel Preachers should get together and take a Bible class. These misguided souls have somehow interpreted Jesus's teaching to conform to their self interests and abandoned the true meanings of love, poverty, charity, humility, and sacrifice. 

If these people are upset with Francis, then he must be doing something right. 

 Pope Francis has won over many hearts and minds with his simple style and focus on serving the world’s poorest, but he has devastated traditionalist Catholics who adored his predecessor, Benedict XVI, for restoring much of the traditional pomp to the papacy.

Pope Francis on Sunday said clergy and Christians must not betray the word of God with their actions or they undermine the credibility of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis told priests on Sunday to practice what they preach, saying the church’s credibility was on the line.During a Mass to formally take possession of one of the Vatican basilicas in Rome, Francis said ordinary Catholics need to “see in our actions what they hear from our lips.”

Pope Francis presaged a revolution in the running of the Catholic church when, at the weekend, he announced the formation of an eight-strong panel of cardinals from all parts of the world who are to advise him on governance and the reform of the Vatican.
The Italian church historian Alberto Melloni, writing in the Corriere della Sera, called it the “most important step in the history of the church for the past 10 centuries”. For the first time, a pope will be helped by a global panel of advisers who look certain to wrest power from the Roman Curia, the church’s central bureaucracy.

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